2 in 5 Americans have left a relationship because of their partner’s poor sleeping habits! Most can only last for 1 1/2 hours with a snoring partner before asking them to move, and 56% would rather sleep alone. 

90 million Americans snore, and 50% of those have OSA or obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, machines are one of the most popular treatments.

These behemoths can seem intimidating at first, but working together to use them provides the best results. Read on to learn how to help a spouse with CPAP treatment.

1. Communicate Openly

The most important part of helping your spouse with CPAP treatment is being willing to talk about it. Don’t be afraid to express the way it affects you.

If their snoring is causing your sleep deprivation, find time to tell them about it. Let them know that you care about them and want them to feel better.

Watch your language when communicating with your spouse with CPAP treatment. Stay positive and remind them of the benefits it provides if they feel self-conscious about how they look when using the machine.

Encourage them to adopt healthy habits. Smoking, alcohol, and obesity all make CPAP therapy less effective. 

2. Learn to Use the Machine Together

A CPAP machine can be a complicated beast. Help each other learn how to set it up. Put the mask on and use it yourself to see how it feels. Take turns cleaning and refilling it so that neither of you feels overwhelmed. 

3. Develop a Flexible Routine and Sleeping Arrangement

Having a consistent routine is one of the best ways to improve your sleep, whether you have sleep apnea or not. Help your spouse choose a specific time of night to go to bed, set up the machine, and put it on. 

If you need extra accommodations to sleep with a spouse with sleep apnea, such as earplugs or a fan, please use them. Don’t be afraid to suggest temporary sleeping arrangements either, especially when they first begin their treatment. 

4. Get CPAP Help from Doctors and Other Patients

A sleep doctor should be your first and best source of sleep apnea help. They can give your spouse an official diagnosis and offer advice on the best treatment. You may even want to accompany them at appointments for moral support.

Other sleep apnea sufferers can also be a great source of advice. Look for online communities that can help you if you or your spouse are struggling.

Where to Get Treatment for Your Spouse with CPAP

Sleep apnea is a common condition, and having a partner who suffers from it can ruin your sleep. Sending them to the couch to avoid their snoring is tempting, but helping your spouse with CPAP treatment is even more effective.

The process starts with clear communication that’s honest but kind. It also involves creating a clear bedtime routine, sharing the burden of the machine, and getting advice from fellow CPAP users.  

Professional help is the final piece of the puzzle. Get CPAP treatment from Sleep Dynamics today.