Insomnia—an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep—is something that happens to nearly everyone occasionally. A few nights of insomnia can be uncomfortable, but most people will soon get restorative sleep again. However, when insomnia becomes chronic, it can cause significant health risks. If you’re suffering from insomnia, see a sleep medicine specialist to avoid experiencing these complications.  

Heart Disease 

Lack of sleep associated with insomnia can affect the heart in a number of different ways. When you don’t get enough sleep, the hormones that regulate your appetite become unbalanced, and you’re likely to eat more. This can lead to obesity, which increases your risk for heart disease and other health risks, like high blood pressure. Sleep loss also increases your chances of developing type 2 diabetes. This, in turn, further increases the risk of getting heart disease.  


Insomnia is a frustrating condition. The associated exhaustion can contribute to depression, as can the anxiety that is caused by repeated nights without sleep. The longer that insomnia persists, the more likely depression is to occur. When people with insomnia become depressed, the insomnia can become even more difficult to overcome, since depression also interferes with sleep. Often, treating depression can help to manage insomnia symptoms.  


Chronic insomnia has drastic effects on your brain. The fatigue that results from insufficient sleep can be dangerous. Lack of sleep can make you so tired that you fall asleep while you’re driving or otherwise operating machinery. Exhaustion can also interfere with memory and judgment, making you more likely to make poor decisions during activities that need your attention.  

Don’t let insomnia rob you of your health. At Sleep Dynamics, we offer diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, from insomnia to sleep apnea. If you are experiencing insomnia in, call us today at (848) 217-0240 to learn more about our treatment options.