
Why Am I a Night Owl?

October 2, 2023

As a sleep center, we often hear people saying how they just can’t seem to fall asleep at night. They lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to find that sweet escape into dreamland. And then, before they know it, it’s already 2 or 3 am, and they’re still wide awake, feeling ener...Read More

Why Am I a Morning Person?

September 20, 2023

Do you find yourself waking up early without an alarm clock? Do you feel energized and productive when the day begins? Congratulations, you may be a morning person! Being a morning person is often attributed to genetics and is not something that can be changed. But what exactly causes someone to...Read More

Does Insurance Cover Sleep Apnea?

September 5, 2023

If you have been or might be diagnosed with sleep apnea, you’re probably wondering if your insurance will cover the cost of your treatment. The answer is yes in most cases. However, the degree of coverage may vary depending on the type of insurance you have and the services you require. Mo...Read More

Better Sleep, Better Person

August 15, 2023

Our busy lives can often cause sleep to become a low priority. Many people sacrifice their sleep for work or other activities, thinking that they can make up for it later. However, consistent sleep loss can lead to various problems – one of which is a decline in our natural generosity and the...Read More

Your Location Affects Your Sleep

August 1, 2023

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes struggle to get a good night’s sleep, while on other occasions, you drift off effortlessly and stay asleep soundly? Believe it or not, one of the factors influencing the quantity and quality of your sleep may be where you live. The geographic locati...Read More

Surprising Benefits of Sleep You Didn't Know About

July 17, 2023

It’s estimated that between 50 and 70 million Americans have chronic sleep disorders. Mental health and sleep and mental health are closely linked, as are stress and sleep quality.It’s essential to understand the benefits of sleep and how creating a sleep schedule can improve your life...Read More

The Profound Link Between Sleep Disorders and Mental Health

July 3, 2023

Compelling research shows a bidirectional association between sleep disorders and mental health. Sleep disorders impact an individual’s mental well-being, exacerbating the symptoms of various mental health conditions and impairing overall cognitive function. On the other hand, mental heal...Read More

How New Parents Can Get Enough Sleep

June 19, 2023

People have a lot of misguided, and even unhealthy, ideas concerning sleep. They think that sleep is like a bank account; you can put in the money you need at any time. Unfortunately, the concept of “sleep debt” is actually terrible for your health. Sleep deprivation and parenting o...Read More

Should You Use a Sleep Tracker?

June 5, 2023

It might alarm you to learn that approximately one in three adults doesn’t get enough sleep each night. This can cause a number of complications, including health issues and diminished productivity.As technology continues to evolve, many are considering using a sleep tracker, but not eve...Read More

Exploring the Link Between Endocrine Disorders and Sleep Apnea

May 16, 2023

Tens of millions of adults in the United States are living with sleep apnea. It’s a condition that can range from uncomfortable to fatal depending on the severity. Keeping your sleep apnea under control is crucial, as is understanding the root cause. Many are living with sleep apnea due to...Read More