
See How a Sleep Study Is Conducted

November 4, 2017

HOW SLEEP STUDIES WORK If you’re suspected of having a sleep disorder, you may be referred to a specialist for an overnight sleep study. See how sleep studies proceed when you watch this featured video. Notice the sleep lab looks like a comfortable hotel room. This allow patients to fall aslee...Read More

Is There a Link Between Insomnia & Sleep Apnea?

October 28, 2017

HOW INSOMNIA AND SLEEP APNEA INTERACT Insomnia is not a sleep disorder but rather a symptom of another condition. In some cases, people with sleep apnea report insomnia as part of the range of symptoms they experience. If you’re experiencing chronic insomnia, it’s important to w...Read More

How to Clean Your CPAP Mask and Equipment

October 21, 2017

PROPER CPAP MASK CARE The best way to ensure your CPAP treatment is effective is to keep your mask in good condition. To keep your machine in top shape, you will need to clean your CPAP equipment daily and do a deeper clean weekly. Doing so will prevent mold and bacteria growth and ensure all p...Read More

Advice for Adapting to CPAP Therapy (Updated 2021)

October 15, 2017

SUCCESSFULLY STARTING CPAP THERAPY If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, CPAP treatment could be life-saving. However, there is usually a period of adjustment when you begin wearing a CPAP at night. But once you adapt to your face or nasal mask, you will sleep better and feel more refreshe...Read More

Comparing Snoring and Sleep Apnea

October 7, 2017

THE DIFFERENCES IN THESE COMMON SLEEP ISSUES Snoring is often one of the first indicators of sleep apnea, but not everyone who snores has the sleep disorder. Because sleep apnea is closely linked to a number of dangerous health conditions, getting an accurate diagnosis is essential. Is your...Read More

Solving the Mystery of Snoring

September 17, 2017

WHY DO WE SNORE? People snore for a variety of reasons. Some of them only cause occasional snoring, while other causes of snoring can be medically alarming. If your sleep partner snores or complains that you snore regularly, it may be time to talk to a sleep medicine specialist about solving s...Read More

Who Can Benefit from Oral Appliances?

September 10, 2017

A LOOK AT A CPAP ALTERNATIVE (Updated 2020) An oral appliance is a small device that is worn in the mouth at night. Some people wear oral appliances to protect their teeth from nightly teeth grinding. Others use oral appliance therapy because they have obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder c...Read More

Understanding Your Circadian Rhythm (Updated 2021)

September 3, 2017

Your Internal Clock Nearly every living thing has a circadian rhythm, including humans. In people, the main mechanism that regulates circadian rhythm – which is like your internal clock – is located in the hypothalamus of the brain. It’s synchronized with th...Read More

Snoring Treatments FAQs

August 18, 2017

Many people find snoring to be a frustrating and embarrassing problem. However, it can often be a symptom of a sleep disorder. Are you interested in enjoying more peaceful rest? If so, keep reading to learn the answers to common questions about snoring treatments.  Why should...Read More

Oral Appliance Therapy: An Introduction

August 18, 2017

When looking for alternatives to CPAP therapy, people who have obstructive sleep apnea often come upon an option called oral appliance therapy. If you’re ready to sleep well without a machine, keep reading to learn about the basics of this treatment option.  What It Is ...Read More

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