How to Take the Perfect Nap (The 30-90 Rule)
Taking a good nap is actually harder than it first appears. Many of us have experienced the dreaded “nap hangover” – that groggy, disoriented feeling that comes after a nap that was too long or taken at the wrong time. But with the right knowledge and preparation, you can take the perfect...Read More
What Causes Morning Headaches?
If you’re asked Google why you wake up with a headaches, you’re in good company. Studies show that around 1 in 13 people struggle with morning headaches. And for many people, waking up with a headache can ruin their morning, or even their day. Unfortunately, this all-too-common occ...Read More
Taking Melatonin... Should You Do It?
Maybe you’ve considered taking melatonin to improve your sleep quality and cut back on tired, slow mornings, and you are wondering about the health impacts of these tablets. Or perhaps you have never heard of melatonin before and are simply searching for a solution to your sleep problems. ...Read More
Sleep Deprivation and Inflammation
Have you ever woken up after a rough night of sleep and found yourself experiencing uncomfortable inflammation? You certainly aren’t alone. Researchers have been studying the link between sleep and inflammation for years. Only recently have they began making headway in understanding t...Read More
Convincing Your Partner to Test for Sleep Apnea
“Snoring comes so easy to me – I can do it in my sleep.” Jokes aside, snoring is the third leading factor in divorce in the United States! If it doesn’t split a couple up, it often leads to sleeping in separate rooms. Snoring is often the first sign of slee...Read More
Sleep Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution.
When we make a New Year’s resolution, we often set a goal for improved health and wellness. Many of us pledge to eat better, exercise more, and practice self-care, but have you ever made a goal to get more and better sleep? Good sleep is one of the most important things we can do for ours...Read More
The Surprising Link Between Bedtime and Dementia
Dementia is a condition that is placing significant hardship and tragedy upon families. In fact, there are more than 7 million Americans aged 65 and older suffering from this condition. By 2040, this figure is expected to rise to 12 million. Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells, as well ...Read More
How the Holidays Affect Sleep
The holidays are some of the happiest times of the year, but they can also interfere with your sleep schedule and sleep routines. Keep reading to find out some of the most common ways the holidays affect sleep. How the Holidays Affect Sleep 1. Increased amounts of stress The holidays ca...Read More
Sleep Better With the 10-3-2-1-0 Sleep Rule
Sleep is so important that most Americans say they would change their morning routine to get more rest. 29% would skip breakfast and a third would opt for finger food only to save time. 29% would forgo their morning showers, and 27% would even skip brushing their teeth! On the other hand...Read More
The Mind After Midnight Hypothesis
Do you struggle to fall asleep at night, or do you often find yourself burning the candle at both ends? You’ll almost certainly know that quality sleep is vital for clear thinking and making rational decisions. Indeed, a bad night’s sleep can severely impact our thought processes, choices and m...Read More