Sleep Apnea in Kids - FAQ's (Updated 2021)
ANSWERS TO COMMON SLEEP APNEA QUESTIONS Sleep disorders can take a long time to diagnose properly, and sometimes it never happens at all. By understanding sleep apnea and its symptoms, you can get ahead of the problem for your child. Keep reading for some questions and answers about sl...Read More
Spotlight on the Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation
THE EFFECTS OF A LACK OF QUALITY SLEEP People miss out on sleep for all sorts of reasons, but for most people, this doesn’t become a regular ordeal. If you constantly find yourself tired during the day, you might have a sleep disorder. Sleep deprivation can lead to slow reaction times and...Read More
Behavioral Sleep Medicine: An Introduction
HOW CHANGED BEHAVIORS IMPROVES YOUR SLEEP The quality of your sleep has everything to do with the quality of your life. If it feels like you don’t sleep as well as everyone else, sleep testing can help you find out why. Behavioral sleep medicine is geared towards alleviating your symptoms and ...Read More
Dispelling Narcolepsy Myths (Updated 2020)
THE TRUTH ABOUT NARCOLEPSY One problem with narcolepsy and similar sleep disorders is the accompanying stigma and confusion. This can prevent people from seeking treatment and alleviating their symptoms. Watch this video and dispel some common narcolepsy myths. Busting Narcolepsy My...Read More
Understanding Cataplexy
A NARCOLEPSY SYMPTOM You may have heard of narcolepsy—a sleep disorder that involves sudden “sleep attacks.” Cataplexy is one of the symptoms of narcolepsy. It doesn’t affect everyone with this sleep disorder, but when it does occur, it can be frightening and highly disruptive. ...Read More
What are The Options for Managing Sleep Apnea?
SLEEP APNEA TREATMENTS It’s essential to get your sleep apnea symptoms under control. Treating this serious disorder will improve your quality of life and reduce your risk of long-term health problems. There are two main options for managing sleep apnea. Your doctor might recommend a custom-fi...Read More
How Your Body Changes as You Sleep
SLEEP IS THE ULTIMATE THERAPY FOR YOUR BODY The human body is capable of all sorts of amazing things—from predicting inclement weather with achy joints to predicting an early spring with itchy eyes. Some of the incredible things the body does happen while you sleep. The following bodily change...Read More
Comparing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Narcolepsy
TWO COMMON SLEEP DISORDERS (Updated 2020) People often assume sleep disorders are easily diagnosed. After all, you’ll know if you lie awake all night or struggle to stay awake at your desk during the day. But surprisingly, many doctors misdiagnose sleep disorders because symptoms oft...Read More
Linking Poor Sleep & Chronic Disease
HOW YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR SLEEP ARE CONNECTED Sleep disorders are diagnosed on a near-epidemic scale in the U.S. Many Americans are of the mindset that being a workaholic and getting little sleep is a badge of honor. Others struggle with stress-induced insomnia or sleep disorders like sleep ...Read More
Does Healthy Weight Prevent Sleep Apnea?
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WEIGHT AND SLEEP APNEA A major risk factor for sleep apnea is being overweight or obese. This is because people who are overweight tend to have extra tissue around the upper airway. When they lie down to sleep, the tissue can obstruct the airways. This causes temporary c...Read More